Big Screen Truck Outdoor Movies
Release date:2021-09-24
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Drive In Movie Screen During the 1950's way before there was HBO, Netflix and DVD Movies, kids went to the matinee to see a kid's film and parents (if they could afford a baby sitter) would go out on the weekend to see what was playing at the local theater.
The Drive-in was a way for families to go out together to enjoy a movie. It was a place where the whole family was welcome, regardless of how noisy the children were."
We offer large outdoor screen truck with professional sound and trained technicians.
We offer both 25' wide and 30' wide screens with HD Quality Picture and Blue Ray.
We also offer indoor large
screen truck for movies, video games or music videos.
Our new LED screen truck is also available. Great for promotional events and anytime movie events as you can show your movie anytime of the day. Put sponsor promotional information playing on the screen anytime of the day, throughout your event.
This article comes from CPG edit released