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Geolocation marketing of mobile LED billboard

Source:JHheater Release date:2021-04-30 Views:788 Share it to:
We see that vehicle recognition technology is effective at reading a “thing”, and in our example, this thing happens to be a car.

However, while this capability certainly helps create dynamic advertisements, it is slightly limited when it comes to scope. Indeed, while the cameras and sensors in a smart mobile LED billboard can determine the type of vehicle you’re in, they cannot draw conclusions about your behavior or travel habits.

To draw this sort of conclusion, mobile LED billboard advertisers are enlisting the help of big data vendors that specialize in aggregating location data sourced from mobile phones. With this data working in tandem with advanced mobile LED billboard cameras that can visually tag cars, advertisers may be able to assemble an accurate picture of the travel habits of commuters, allowing them to present you with special deals and offers catered to your particular tastes.

This means that a digital billboard may be able to tell if you’re on your way to the store, or perhaps the gym, and be able to adjust its marketing message accordingly.

This article comes from landmark edit released
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