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Mobile LED Screen Truck

Source:JHheater Release date:2019-09-19 Views:1233 Share it to:

LED screen truck is a unique large-scale screen, which is disposed on a FORD TRANSIT chassis. This incomparable and unique solution allows realization of a large-screen projection anywhere and anytime. This high resolution LED screen is placed on a hydraulic telescopic arm which can spin around. Our mobile screen can be used even as a mobile LED advertisement. Because of the integrated electrical aggregate we are not reliant on electric source. Therefore our mobile LED screen truck is self-reliant unit. For what is more we are able to realize LED advertising while driving as a mobile LED billboard.

This unique mechanism attracts an attention everywhere it appears. This rises effection of LED advertising and footage. Quick installation and reinstallation in terms of mobility anables realization of large-scale LED projection within several places in short intervals.

Due to minimal cost of functioning and servises we are able to realize large scale LED projection even on events with lower budget. This is convenient for non-profit organizations, school department or local government.

We provide full preparation of live broadcast in terms of other services connected with mobile LED advertising or functioning of mobile screen.

This article comes from ledscreentruck edit released

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